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Re: The joys of plastering one's self all over the net! :)
Posted By: Quartz, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 6, 2002, at 01:59:26
In Reply To: The joys of plastering one's self all over the net! :) posted by HalfWitt on Wednesday, February 6, 2002, at 00:01:26:

> I am impressed! Your site is quite nice. I like the color scheme and content quite a bit, and the overall look is quite apealing. You might think about making navagation a little easier, but then again, that can be half the fun.

Thank you! The program I used to design my website won't really let me change navigation, but I don't really think it's that big a deal. Besides, putting all the links at the bottom of the page means that the viewer has to scroll down the entire page first, and then they get distracted by something cool and they just read the thing. Muwah.

> Although I find other homeschoolers more frequently that I would have ever expected, it still surprizes me when I encounter another home educated person. I give a hearty "WOOT!!" for all of those other homeschoolers out there! Yeah!

LOL! Woot, indeed. ;^)

> "The antisocial way to go!" Homeschool is great because it gives you more time to be online. :)

Qua "my sentiments exactly" rtz

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