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Re: What you really, really want
Posted By: Erisinia, on host
Date: Thursday, January 17, 2002, at 18:56:08
In Reply To: What you really, really want posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 03:40:48:

You people rule. You know that feeling, when your chest feels all tight, and your throat closes up, and you're tearing up; but at the same time, you're so happy you want to yell, or get up and dance, or do a dozen back flips?
That's how I feel now. There IS good in the world. I want to give each of you the biggest bear hugs you've ever felt in your lives. I'm inspired. Thank you, Brunnen-G, for running with Bourne's basic idia. God bless you all.

Eris"really ought to learn how to do backflips, for times just like this"inia

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