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Re: What I really, really want
Posted By: Kaz!, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 16, 2002, at 19:13:18
In Reply To: What you really, really want posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 03:40:48:

What do I really want? I've been thinking quite a lot about this question ever since it was first posted and, for the most part, I really don't know. After all, I'm still somewhat young -- still in high school, for that matter. And so much can change that I really can't say that the things that I want now will be the things that I will continue to desire in the future. Circumstances change, possibilites change...people change (and I definatly know that I have changed quite a bit in the last few years -- I hope that I continue to in a positive manner).

But back to the question at hand. As I am right now, what are some of the things that I desire if there were no limitations?

Well, like a lot of people here already said, I do find the idea of marriage and sharing my life with someone whom I love deeply and who I know loves me deeply in return to be an attractive thought. Although this is one thing that I don't actively seek, for I don't think that going into a relationship with that sort of intention would result in a very strong relationship. I prefer to go into a relationship desiring only friendship. If it becomes something more and both myself and the other person, whomever she may be, are alright with it and find the thought to be enjoyable, then so be it. Of course, again, I'd still prefer to let things develop slowly because, well, this is the sort of thing that it's most definatly *NOT* a good idea to rush into. After all, I consider a decision of this nature to be pretty darn permanent; when (or if, I suppose) such an event occurs, I want to be very, very sure that both parties involved think of it as a good choice. Although, suprisingly enough (to some), I find that this particular desire to be more in the realm of possibilty then I had thought a fair bit back.

Something else that I desire is to stay in, well, at least relatively good health, mentally and spiritually as well as physically. All this entitles is that I have to take care of myself, really. And think happy thoughts. :-) (Yes, happy thoughts generally make people healthier -- and that's not the only reason that I like them.) Plus I find that if I'm happy, I'm better at making other people happy as well. Speaking of which...

Improve the World. Vague, yes, I know. But it is something that I want to do, even if it may be hard to do that in any significant way. I mean, I know that I've done some, well, pretty bad things a long time ago and I really want to help make the world a better place to live in and not take away from it anymore. Even though my method is a bit slow and isn't really all that much in the big picture...I do try to do what I can. One person at a time. And...I really do think that it's possible to make a difference.

And speaking of the world I do want to travel all about it (just as many other people here). The world is a really big place and there's really so much to see I think. So far I've never been out of North America. Some of the places that I'd really like to visit right now include London England, Egypt, Athens Greece, Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, India....a lot of other places, too. Oh, and all those places where I have long-distance friends, too. Such as all you people here. :-) And though I really don't have the kind of money to be able to travel the world nor do I think that I'll really have that kind of money anytime soon, I definatly think that this, too, is something that can be done. Ah, so much world to see. Oh, and if during my life lunar travel becomes, well, a viable tourist option, that's something that I'd find to be a very enjoyable thing to try as well.

Oh, of course, I certainly want to get my High School Diploma (that *certainly* shouldn't be a problem -- or at least it better not be!). And after that I fully intend to go to University and get a degree in Science while studying courses that I like (which seems to be predominantly science psycology, judging from the course outlines, but I will see), although I can't really say *what* I really want to be after that. I mean, I can think of a lot of jobs that I certainly wouldn't mind doing, but I really am not sure of one that I can say that I would really, really like to do for the rest of my working life. But this is something that I do think I have at least a bit more time to think upon.

Write. That's something else that I like to do. And, well, that might be apparent considering this particular post. Heck, all my posts tend to be of medium to long length I think! :-P Now, I can't say what, exactly, other then informal and of my choosing. I might decide to write a novel later, and though I can't say that I strongly intend to at this time (after all, while in school there's really not a whole lot of free time) I might sometime in the future. And if not, well, I'm content to write down other things, such as my thoughts and such. Which I do anyway...sometimes to anyone who will listen, sometimes only to certain people, and sometimes just for myself. Yes, I have a big stack of paper under my bed with stuff that I had written when I just felt like writing down my thoughts but didn't have the computer immediatly available (such as at school). Oh, and one of my goals for this year was to write over one and a half million words during this year. And...I actually think that I'll be able to do it, too. I mean, I've already written over seventy thousand I think, and it's only about half way through January! :-) Yes, I do like to write....especially in a form of communication where I can exchange thoughts with other people whom I enjoy, well, talking with. Even though I would certainly enjoy talking with certain people much more in person then through text but...well, when such things aren't practical, communicating through the written word is the next best thing, right? Oh, and no, my fingers do not tire all that easily.

To go with writing, I want to read more, too. I like reading all sorts of things, but I generally seem to prefer fantasy books with perhaps a little sci-fi as well. Of course, above all else I like to read what my friends have to say if we can't talk in person -- but at least I certainly get to read that sort of writing a lot, even though I'm in my senior year and have a whole pile of homework and such. Actually, I talk with friends like that quite a bit, especially in the last little while. But yeah...talking with friends is always enjoyable. :-)

Oh, another thing that I just thought of... I want good food! But quite seriously; you see, I'm not really all that fond of my mom's cooking sometimes. For example...Tomato Rice. Get an egg, mix it in with a can of mashed tomatoes, cut up and fry some tofu, add dump that over rice. I think that it tastes pretty bad, myself. And my dad and brother agree. Though my mom likes it, and if she makes dinner, well....heh, I suppose that means that I should make dinner more often. :-) Actually, I do make dinner sometimes, and I find that I enjoy it. Plus when I make stuff, I find that it usually comes out much more tasty then, well, pretty much everything that my mom makes (in my opinion, of course...and to be fair, she *does* make a few pretty good meals every so often). Cooking and baking is actually quite fun -- especially when you get to eat the results if they're made well!

Hrm...I know that there's a lot more stuff that I would like to do, but I can't really think of any right now. Even though I know that there's more. But I suppose that I probably wrote enough as it is, and probably got all the really important ones to me. Plus most of you are probably tired of hearing me just go on and on and on and on.... But then, anyone who's been here long enough has come to almost expect that of when I write a forum post, right?

-Ka"I haven't been posting all that much because school takes up far to much time! :-/ But I'm certainly still around"z!

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