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Re: What you really, really want
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 16, 2002, at 14:00:44
In Reply To: Re: What you really, really want posted by Don the Monkeyman on Wednesday, January 16, 2002, at 10:44:07:

> That's about all I can think of right now. I suspect that I will come back and reply to this post later with more things that are not springing to mind at the moment, but I really can't say for sure.

That didn't take too long. Cynthia and Grishny reminded me of a few more things, and I came up with some more on my own.

-- Learn a martial art. I don't really have too much preference as to what kind, although I have always thought that Kendo would be neat. My brother wants to do this with me, and he has a few more specific ideas about it, which would help me decide if the time comes.
-- Own a house, preferably an OLD one. Most of my friends think that I am crazy for wanting an old house, because they say that there would be all sorts of problems with it. For some reason, that doesn't bother me. I like the romantic feel of living in a house which is older than my grandparents and looks it. I would probably get fed up with it eventually, but I like the idea right now. My reasons for wanting to own my own home are pretty simple: I want total freedom. If I want to renovate a room, or repaint, or tear down some walls, or put up some new walls, or install a garage door opener, I want to be able to do these things, have them actually be worth something to me in the long run, and not have to get landlord approval for every little thing. Right now I don't even know how I would go about doing anything like that, but I think I would like to learn if the opportunity presented itself.
-- Learn more languages. I don't have any specific languages in mind, but I want to be able to communicate with people from everywhere in their native tongues. I think it would be neat to get onto a bus and be able to talk to the driver in his native tongue (when that tongue is not English, I mean) or to resolve my frequent problems with talking to people with thick accents by simply speaking the language they are more comfortable with.
-- Have a change in lifestyle which allows me to be out and about at night. When I was growing up, I used to sneak out of the house at night and hang around town when it was dark out. Sometimes I would go riding my bike with a friend out away from town to where we could talk about girls under the stars in total privacy. Even within the city, there is something about the night that appeals to me--it seems so much more alive and romantic. Mostly, I would like to be able to go out at night during the summer, and since the summer nights are so short up here, that would require a big shift in my lifestyle. I can only really see it happening if I didn't have to work, and that's not likely to happen any time soon.*
-- Own a REALLY nice car. I don't think I'm looking for anything in the high-end luxury category--I just want a car with the options that I miss from my old Camry. I want to have power locks, power windows, plenty of space for all my tall friends to be comfortable, maybe a sunroof... There's probably more that I want, but I don't place a very high priority on any of it. Oh, except for the CD player and good sound system.
-- To own a nice set of dishes and utensils. I know it is an odd one, but this is pretty important to me. Even growing up, our plates were always a mixed batch with four of one style, four of another... Right now, the situation is horrendous. I would like to own ten or twelve settings of attractive looking dinnerware.

That's all for the second pass, I think.

> Don Monkey

*Sure, I'm not working right now, but I still have plenty of daytime responsibilities, and I can't afford to get my schedule shifted to being up at night, because when I get a job, it'll probably be during daylight hours and I don't want to be adjusting back in a panic.

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