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I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want...
Posted By: Bourne, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 04:39:49
In Reply To: What you really, really want posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 03:40:48:

Wish list

-- A Go-karting track worthy of the Gods.

-- My very own castle, including sections of which that are only accessible by rope swing (cue Indiana Jones music).

-- To be James Bond. Not a spy, or an MI5 analyst, but James Bond. That would be the bomb.

-- To be able to walk around the local independent video, DVD and general movie stuff shop without gravitating towards the excessively kitsch items/titles (you know, pick up a copy of "The Manchurian Candidate", then suddenly realise that theres a copy of King Solomons Mines, with Richard Chamberlain and Sharon Stone sitting nearby.).

-- To own my own full Highland dress.

-- To invent medicinal compounds, most efficacious, in every case.

-- a chargrilled chicken salad sandwich.

-- and a coffee.

-- to get together with my mate Kerr and work on the movie script (everybodys gotta have a hobby).

-- to climb with effortless ease, although I'll settle for without shaking myself off of the rock in abject terror.

-- To cast Brunnen-G in aforementioned movie (always glad to help a fellow Rinkydink), once the script is finalised.

-- To be big in Japan, tonight, big in Japan, tonight....

And that'll do for the moment.

-- oh, and to have my stand-up comedy appreciated by all.

Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week, try the veal, its very nice. You've been a wonderful audience, one and all....


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