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Re: 2002
Posted By: MissyClar, on host
Date: Saturday, January 5, 2002, at 22:52:54
In Reply To: Re: 2002 posted by Eric Sleator on Friday, January 4, 2002, at 11:30:21:

First of all, FernGully is an excellent movie.

Second of all, there are plenty of great movies being made today, it's just that the hollywood studios aren't making the great movies anymore. I don't know anything about the business, but the only movies I've enjoyed in my young adult life were made by independent studios. And of course, a lot of foreign films are good, like "Amelie" because usually the bad ones are filtered out before they reach America. (There are exceptions, though, like "Life is Beautiful"). Anywho, the main problem is that no one goes out to see those movies because they don't have big advertising campaigns. They usually become popular by word of mouth, like with "Ghost World", or not at all, like "Waking Life." (which is great! go rent it!)Where I live, there's a great theater called the Music Box that shows lots of artsy-good films, but most people only have theaters around that show the popular movies. So, I suppose good movies are doomed to be unpopular for now. Alas.

So here's my little chart:
circa 2000: American Pie. American Movie.

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