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Re: LOTR discussion cum *spoilers*
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Sunday, December 23, 2001, at 18:04:08
In Reply To: Re: LOTR discussion cum *spoilers* posted by Zarniwoop on Sunday, December 23, 2001, at 15:42:28:

> 2). Caradhras: One of the major themes is that there are some things older and more powerful than Elves, Dwarves, Men, Wizards...anybody. The Balrog is one of them, this is why they all run from it. Tom Bombadil is another, but they got rid of him.

Personally, if I ever met Tom Bombadil I'd be running from him, and it wouldn't be because he was older and more powerful than me. I'm not saying Peter Jackson sat down at the very first planning meeting and said "Right, here's how we'll do it. Number one, Bombadil's out." But I'm betting it wasn't a last-minute agonised decision.

> The cave-troll. Overdone? Possibly. Does it matter? Absolutely not.

It may interest you to know that one New Zealand reviewer described the cave-troll as "a rampaging kumara" (sweet potato). Heheh.

Brunnen-"still haven't seen it, still can't wait to"G

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