Re: Perils of starting
Lisa, on host
Friday, November 30, 2001, at 21:47:45
Re: Perils of starting posted by gremlinn on Friday, November 30, 2001, at 17:19:07:
all I can say is amen I to have had no trouble with the other puzzels but this one is really stumping me bad I've allso used everyones hints have tons of e mails i sent to myself for refrence and as you say it is a stumping puzzle I just want to finish this puzzle so I can move on to the rest of the game i'm sure light will dawn on marble head soon I understand a good deal of it its just trying to get your dam configureations to work out bare with us gang. I to have been working on this problem hours and days worth. i think i'm gonna start seeing conduits in my sleep
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