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Re: GOA-Game of Ages! HELP ME AGAIN!!!!!!!! ACK!!!!!!
Posted By: MAG, on host
Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2001, at 23:50:17
In Reply To: GOA-Game of Ages! HELP ME AGAIN!!!!!!!! ACK!!!!!! posted by chieko on Tuesday, November 27, 2001, at 18:00:05:

Pretend you're leaving a flaming bag of doggie doo on the litter-guy's front porch - drop it and run. then come back and I bet he will be so upset he won't even see you coming...

You can't sell anything you still need - but I see you may have some things you will be able to sell after you progress and no longer need them. You will need to be VERY persistent to sell some of them.

> okay, i got the sword from the guard thanks to that girl who let me borrow her key. Also, i got the litter and dropped in near the litter guy an all he did was yell at me. Now, i cant get too the the guard house becasue they catch me! Also, i sold everything i could sell, was that abad idea? i got my picture drawn and i got cleaned up. I also got some wire clippers and i haveabout 59 gold coins... help!

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