Lisa, on host
Tuesday, November 27, 2001, at 12:58:04
OK Here's what I got Travel north along the parallel, to OP-M28.
Travel south along the parallel, to OP-M08.then it says you are travelint around the mardiean with philip piloting at op-m13. Now i'm totally confused do you have to have the first two numbers the 28 and 8 match be the same number and why does the number with philip say 13 shouldn't it be an 8 or 28. As you can see here i'm totally lost If there is somebody out there who has completed this part of it please e mail me showing me exactly how they did i with number exampes and all with how theres looked heres my e mail address i need a detailed example showing me what to do and how it should look i would really appreciate it thanks.
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