More Unanswered questions...
RiftTraveler, on host
Monday, November 26, 2001, at 21:29:01
1. Where do I get the sledgehammer? 2. There's a Tachyone SomethingOrOther that I don't have. Where's that? 3. What do I do with the round pot? 4. What do I do with the Leather vest? 5. Is it possible to get a spiffy soda for the kid? 6. If it is, how do I do it? 7. I have four nanoxite stones, and 5 Peryolitium shards. Do I need more? 8. The items I dropped in Verna's room after dashing out and leaving the key, do I need them? 9. If so, how do I get them back?
I think that's about it for now. I'll ask more if they occur to me. Thanks for your help in advance!
Rift "I hate asking for help, cause I feel so dumb" Traveler
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