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Re: GOA - Stuck with 19 bronze, despite help
Posted By: MusicBoy, on host
Date: Sunday, November 25, 2001, at 06:01:25
In Reply To: Re: GOA - Stuck with 19 bronze, despite help posted by kediri on Saturday, November 24, 2001, at 20:28:47:

> > I've tried every option in Llagimlyn at least eight times, to no avail. I have 19 bronze coins. So far, I've gotten Blood Drops's drink, received 21 coins for running the bar, saved Garandel's ale, gotten three (or was it four?) coins from the shack, one from the moat, and one from eavesdropping. I bought a balloon. I can't find one more coin! Any help?
> you haven't given your inventory; chances are you don't need to worry about that extra coin at the moment.
> Have you got anything to tie the string around?
> If yes, maybe you should take a trip back home and go somewhere you couldn't for lack of a *****!
> If no maybe you should take a walk round by the moat.
> hope that helps...
> if not post your list and I'll see if I can think of anything else

Here's my inventory:
19 Bronze Coins
Guard's Sword
Clear Focus Stone
Magnifying Glass

4 Red Gemstones
Stone of Strengthening

6 Black Gemstones
Food Rations
Key of Opening

6 Apples

I've heard of people trying to get the painting, so I made a mess in the kitchen and got back to the banquet hall before the servers did (they were still cleaning). However, there was no option to take the picture.

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