Re: Story hunt Duke of Gloom chapter 6
Jeff Billings, on host
Tuesday, November 20, 2001, at 22:12:24
Re: Story hunt Duke of Gloom chapter 6 posted by broombug on Tuesday, November 20, 2001, at 21:12:19:
> > > I need help. This sounds like something from the How to be persuasive essay, but i cant figure out what goes in the url. What am i missing? Am i even on the right track? > > > > I still need help. Now I think its from a story but I checked all those too. Hmm... I havent played all adventure games is it from that? > > what tipped me off about chapter 6 was the last line, "Leave out the punctuation, of course."
Thanks I have it now. Not too many things with punctuation. Still not sure what the conversation was from but oh well
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