Re: trail of anguish
ldhbdsi, on host
Wednesday, October 24, 2001, at 14:23:20
trail of anguish posted by hookedonpepsi on Wednesday, October 24, 2001, at 09:09:46:
> I can't figure out how to make a profit on the happy tokens .. that is the only task I have left to do. > Is it really possible to make a profit?
Yes, you eventually do make a profit, but not in the way that you think :-). Keep trying, and don't be afraid to take a major risk (how else can I put this without spoiling it?).
> I can't continue any further until I figure this out. Another question I've seen some people's inventory in the hints that have a rope how do I get that?
It depends what courses you've chosen. If you've completed all your other tasks, and don't have it, you don't need it.
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