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Re: Dream Stories
Posted By: Travholt, on host
Date: Thursday, September 20, 2001, at 05:36:29
In Reply To: Re: Dream Stories posted by Don the Monkeyman on Thursday, January 11, 2001, at 11:24:19:

> In these dreams, I can fly, and sometimes pass through solid objects. It's not like a normal flying dream, though; it seems more realistic to me, because in these dreams, my ability to fly is not just a given, it is something I have to WORK at.

I had the most RULING flying dream yesterday morning. I don't remember all, though, but as usual when I have those dreams, my technique for flying is just to think of doing it. (Although I might lose the ability, it's not a question of concentration.) I just picture in my head what I want to do and then do it, like any other bodily movement. (Like if you want to grab a bottle, you don't think "move my arm to the bottle and close my fingers around it", you think "grab the bottle".)

I was on the ground in a city/town somewhere, and went up into the air. When I fly in dreams, I do it a bit like swimming; stretch out my arms, kick off a little with my feet and soar upwards. After that, I move my arms and twist my body much like I do when I frolic in and under water. If I could look at myself from the outside, I imagine it would look pretty gracious.

So when that worked, I tried doing some loops and swoops, and then I decided to go further up. I did that in a few steps, and as I was getting higher, I looked down and thought: "But what if I lose the ability to fly and fall down?"

I conciously remembered the discussions we've had around here where people have said they have to concentrate to maintain their ability to fly. And I've had falling nightmares before, and thought of those, too. So it was a natural concern for me to have.

But just as I had thought that and started to drop a little, I thought: "Nope! I'm not going to drop! I'm going to stay in the air." So that's what I did. I just avoided thinking of the possibility that I could lose the ability to fly.

Of course, the actual flying was cool, but I think that was the coolest: I actually overcome my fear of falling, and I had concious thoughts about that in my dream.

I think I dreamt this because of my upcoming employment. I've been working as a one-man company the last year or so, and while it's exciting in many ways, it's also a bit insecure with respect of amount of work and steady income. So I think the "freedom" (or, rather, the lack of concern) that comes with the regular employment inspired that dream.