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Posted By: danny wyatt, on host
Date: Thursday, September 6, 2001, at 22:56:41

-Sorry dave that I didn't post this earlier, but for the rinkers this is in response to the ghosts thread. It's a long experience and a farely older thread so I decided to make it a "new posting"
Well it was a day in the earlier spring in the midwestern northern local of St. Louis Missouri. The Spring brought upon great colours and patterned enjoyable weather for every soul to enjoy. A chilly frigid morning met by the warming earth created from the rays of sun light. That started out the typical morning of a St. Louisian student on his way to school in mid semester.
I was 14, I attended the 8th grade at a Catholic School located in North County St. Louis. My best friend at the time was a boy named David Peeples. Almost everyday after school I would make the mile trek to his house to hang out or have some fun with our other friends. To say that is where the story begins.
Before I start I want to describe in detail the surrounding environment. I lived a good 5 minute drive from both the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. The majority of the neighborhoods (including mine) had miles of woods. The properties are spaced out, some people have alot of acreage to go with their house. Within my neighborhood the houses had a privacy distance between them. Almost every house had woods located on the property. Much of the scape is rolling hills, with room for development. Throughout the woods there are old barn houses and shacks. On a given day you will have local kids trailing the woods. Much of the properties don't have fences either, so kids can cut anywhere they need. Now on to the story.
After that particular school day I decided to rest a little bit prior to going up to david's house. I ate a bowl of cereal and watched some tv, did a little homework and set off. Upon getting to his house, after a few rings on the doorbell, he answered. Apparently sleeping since he got home (not unusual for life in the burbs). He let me in and we talked for a littl' bit and then he started showing me some of his old stuff. I found a sword that was imported from Rome, Italy. It sat on a mantle and as soon as I touched it, David told me it's history.
Thats a sword from the earlier 17th century, located Rome, Italy. It was transported from thereof and has been kept in my family throughout the 1900's. You must say 3 hail marys after your done handling that 'cause it is cursed. I didn't believe him, but also to avoid the stupidness of arguement I just said 3 quick prayers and moved on to the next.
The next object I came upon was a box with the word ouija board on it. At first I was about to skim over it, but I questioned it.
"Isn't that the board you can communicate with the dead with."
"I think thats stupid, how is anyone going to believe that, I think its stupid"
"wanna try it"
-Well, it was made back before 1985 when my family aquired it. So they weren't able to bless it.
"What do you mean?"
-Well all the boards need to be blessed so it can't be used for evil intentions, every board created after 1985 has been blessed.
"What do they have priests at all these factories, chuckle"
-shutup, I'm not sure but they try to put holy water in the creation of the board.
Even though the conversation went on we played around in his house for another 30 minutes, got bored and decided to make an attempt at the newly found ouija board.
We decided that it would work better to go out somewhere by ourselves and simply so we don't get caught. We treked out into the woods towards an unfamilier side of town that I was unaware of. Behind a store named Black Jack Hardware, there was a fenced in yard that seemed to serve no purpose. Yet it had a canister in the middle of it. I thought it was used to burn leaves. David insisted that it was used for devil worshiping by the local KKK. Yet I wasn't convinced since about 70% of my neighborhood was black at the time. Yet I had my doubts, when I saw the half burnt up 9 foot stick sticking out of the canister. Also considering it's outlawed to burn leaves in the county at that time.
So we carried on in our search for a place to activate our newly found interest. We climbed over the fence and trailed a creek far back about 500 yards into deep woods. I was scratched up from some foilage but managed to get through into an opened area in about 50 ft of diameter. Right towards the back of the opening, set on a hill was a broken down shack. There were no other shacks or barn houses near it, so I figured it would have been a place for a hunter to camp out at. The roof was almost caved in but it was large enough to stand in. At 5 ft 2 inches I had no problem accomplishing that.
There was overcast on that particular warm day, almost as if it was about to rain with no windy indications. David indicated that to start out we both had to sit indian style facing each other with the board touching both of us. He also brought some paper to write down the messages (almost as if he'd done this before). We got into position and set the board on both of our laps. With the eye piece on the board we both set two fingers on it.
All along I was asking questions on what does this mean, how do you do this, etc. The one particular thing I concentrated on was that eyepiece that was to indicate the wording of the spirits. I found that it didn't take much to move the piece. A slight push, or tilt of the board could slid it along easily. I started to laugh at the thought of us actually trying this and he just told me that it may seem stupid but it actually works. I indicated that he could move the piece himself. He only said that it takes more than one to move the piece and that I will feel a much different amount of movement rather then a humans pushing and resistance. I could only wait and see.
So to start I put both index fingers on my side and him on his side and he sounded off a prayer to call upon the spirits. I can only remember certain parts of it, since it's been some time. At the time though I tried to remember it for the future, but it was so long- you know. Well here it is or some of it.
Spirits and Souls of the afterlife, are you there...........
Please come and answer our questions....
We are here in the name of God and mean no trouble, please come and help us...
etc etc
Those are the main parts that I could remember,
Well anyways, I grew wary because we just sat there for 15 minutes with nothing happening. I asked David if this is just a joke, and he indicated that he would just have to keep calling out for them. So he tried a shorter version and we waited for another 10 minutes. Then the piece started to move in like a half circle it didn't go anywhere in particular, I could only give david a glace as if he were doing it.
Dave spoke up first, is there someone here? In about 2 more minutes of time the glass piece moved to the yes on the board. It moved suspiciously slowly and I could only look again at david and say "you are moving it". David said well if you need proof you need proof. The next question he asked was the spirits name. This time he let me put only my fingers on the piece. He said that you need two people to have contact on the piece to work, but that at times the energy from one person can work, but it will be slow. I was reluctantly awed at the opportunity at hand so quickly to advantage. Less than a minute and slowly it spelled out b...o...b. I was amazed that this thing worked. I ferociously yelled out "is there a god?" It moved slowly to yes even more quickly then the last time. Then dave asked- How old were you when you died? and it numbered 4...2. I was like I'll ask the next one "How did you die" The piece moved about 3 minutes later and it spelled out s...a...t...a...n. I commented on this one. Dave this spells out satan how can someone be killed by satan (thinking it was the cloth material definition) Dave quickly indicated that satan spelled the name of lucifer. I immediately got scared and questionable under the new wave of insane motion put unto me. "He was killed by evil, by Lucifer","Why would Lucifer kill someone" Dave- Maybe because he lived a life of evil and satan had an avantage on his soul.
At that time I got scared quick, so I stood up to break contact with the ouija board. I started to stretch and as I lifted my left hand I felt a sudden cold spot. The temperature was somewhere in the upper 70's and the spot I felt must had been in the lower 40's. I quickly called david to examine this cold spot. He stood up quick and felt it. I felt it going in about a 3 inch diameter from the floor all the way to the callapsing ceiling of the old abandoned shack. It represented itself as if it were a constant portol situated in the spot and never moving.
Then the whole situation came back to me in on instant. Spirit, named Bob, 42, yes god, killed by satan. I grew even more shakier then ever, then I quickly mentioned to david that we should start heading back and he could only agree. We packed up the board and set of on a trail back to were we came from. As we walked I kept getting this feeling that we were being followed. I would just turn around and there would be an empty trial behind us. The wind started to pick up from nothing into a breeze and that only gave me a newer sense of suspicious following again. So I dismissed it as only an imagination of a scared person who just experienced a dramatic situation.
We arrived to his house and surprisingly there was nobody home. Only his terrior in the backyard fenced into his own little home. There were no cars anywhere or no answers to his calls from within. So at that time we just took our experience as something spectacular and we decided we would talk about it tomarrow at school. I suggested that we go down to his basement and look at his weapons. (Dave was an accomplished ninja of 7 years.) I played with his nunchucks and he was throwing his stars. We both instinctively put his ouija board back where it came from.
Well you may think that this ghost experience sucks so far, as it only includes imagination and child play. The fun started within 30 minutes of us being back. We were on the other side of his basement(opposite of the stairwell that runs up across the wall turns at the corner and leds to the door to the kitchen. The kitchen door and the back door are backed to eachother in a corner of the kitchen upstairs) We were still playing with his toys when we heard a loud thud. We took notice from our hearing that it was the kitchen or the basement door slamming into one or the other. David called out to see if it was his mom but there was no answer. The worse came to worse and we suspected a neighborhood johnny breaking in. So I handed him his 18 double sided blade while I took his nunchucks. We slowly crept upstairs only to find that the backdoor slammed into the basement door/hard enough to make a dent from the handle. There was nobody in the house. Dave and I checked every closet everywhere together to ensure we were alone. We went outside and there was nothing. We went back in and he locked the back door this time and closed the basement door as we went back down to listen to the radio and play some more. 15 minutes later the loudest thud I have ever heard came from upstairs. This time we were suspiciously freaking scarred up the behind. Dave took almost every star, nunchuck, sies, he had... I took the biggest sword he had (which was nicely big) and we crept towards the stairwell. Climbed the first six steps turned at the corner and saw that both doors were halfway opened attached to eachother back to back. I mentioned that Dave locked the back door. That only made the situation worse, so dave called out, mom you home? Sis you home? No answer... Dave- If there is someone there you are about to be chopped up like we are starved samari at a pig farm. No answer.
I was relieved that he still had a sense of humor even if we were under deress and strange danger. We progressed far enough again to search the entire house, outside and even test the lock. We stayed upstairs for a little while and decided under much inspection that it was safe to go back down. We could only conclude that it may had been one of his friends playing a joke on him, since nothing was stolen and nobody was present- we didn't figure in anything supernatural to be a role in this. Also if it was a stranger his dog would have been over the fence biting to death the threat as we spoke. We only suspected with high expectations that everything was alright. We went back down with the back door locked, chair proptet against the door and basement door closed we returned to playing. At that time it was around 8:00 and I knew that I had to return home soon or my parents would kill me. So I said I was going to leave about 8:30 so I could get home before it got dark. At about 8:20, we were minding our own business when again a loud slam came from the kitchen. I heard a breaking of something and I suspected it was either the door or the chair. This time the thud/slam wasn't as loud but it was eerily clear and passionately done. This time we didn't wait we just grabbed the weapons and ran to the source. Nothing, nothing, nothing. I felt like crying at this time and even dave being the "curagious ninja" felt his level of sensefulness was approaching and end. Basically the chair was broken from the basement door slamming into it. The backdoor was still locked. We both ran instinctively outside towards the dog away from the house. There was still light outside but the darkness was creeping in. We both starred at the open back door that led to the kitchen with the broken chair on the ground.
There was no more noises eminating from the house and no movement at all. The day was still as ever. The wind was dead, and the neighborhood was dead. Both of us started yelling at the house... is there anybody in there?
I looked at David and said that there is someone inside his house and that he should call the police. Dave said that he didn't want to bring the police to his home for obvious reasons that I must keep confidential from this crowd. So I said that he could go down to Will Andresse's house and sleep there for the night and try to get ahold of his parents. For me I had to get home before it got dark, by that time it was best because I was already scared.
So in a last attempt to make things right I covered him as he closed the backdoor and we set off in our seperate directions.
I was walking considerably fast talking to myself the process's of the day I just been through to make clusterball moments into smaller clusters of confussion. I felt that I wasn't being followed like right behind, but more that I was being watched from a distance. So I decided to stop at my girlfriends home. Her house was between mine and daves. It served its purposes for rest or chitchat. I stopped there to see if Katie was home and her sister Karelyn suggested that she was in the shower. So not to be any further disturbance I saw myself off only to leave her a message that I came by. I continued on to my home and finally arrived. Much relieved because by then it was just getting dark. Plus my mom was home.
I went inside sat down and snaked on some leftover pizza from the night before. My mom called out that I had to finish my homework so I could take a shower and go to bed. So I set onto that task.
I was entering my bedroom which is about 12'by 14' in length, I turned on the light and quickly sat on my bed. I pulled out my homework and started working on it. I finished the rest that I didn't finish from before in about 45 min. and went to close my window curtains when I saw the worse. My window is about 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide. On the outside about 8 feet away from my window on the side of my one story house is a row of pine trees. Those pine trees were about 20 feet tall at the time. Next to the pine tree online from my window was a faint foggist presence. It had an outline of about 1/4 of an inch that was blueish-white and the rest of it was fog. It had no shape to it but I figured under inspection that it was about 2 feet in diameter from any direction. It had a fainter lighter grayish colors to represent a hollow eye sockets and no other facial or bodily expressions.
I was stunned at its existence and denial spread all over me. It didn't move at all, so I quickly though it out to be a glare from one of my studio lighting techniques set up in my room. I ran to my light switch turned it off and the deepest thrill of devestation ran over me. Like the beginning of unsolved mysteries with the music and the pictures I can only get a sense of depressive desparity. There it was ever even more clearer then before infront of my window. It was fully dark outside and has been for the longest time.
I quickly turned on my light, yelled out for mom and closed the curtains as quickly as possible. I ran to my mom's room explaining what all happened and what was outside and so on. My mom sat up and said for me to calm down before I something bad happens. She told me that I was getting frantic all for nothing. She suggested that my imagination was playing a trick on me and that my friend had also pulled a quick one to led to this. So I deliberated it for a bit and came to accept her point of view of the situation. Since she was in a neutral state as she claimed of sanity to look at the situation and to calm me down.
I walked back into my room to clean up dismissing the window since the curtain was closed all the time. It only took about 8 minutes before the phone rang and my mother picked it up from her end. I heard a little bit of voicing going on through my wall in her room and then she called my name. I went into her room to prospect on what she wanted. She indicated that it was david peeples mother on the phone demanding to speak to me. My mom wasn't about to give me the phone for davids mom seemed furious. So my mom wanted me to explain to her what I did that could've made her made so she could handle the situation "adult style". I was quick to say that I didn't do anything. So my mom just said well see what she wants, if she gets to the point (point of freakyness) that I was to hand it over for her jurisdiction. So I took the phone and it was crazy.
I put the phone to my ear and the voice said, This is Davids mom is this danny. "yes" Who gave you permission to use that ouija board with my son. "it was both of our ideas" Do you know what is going on over here? "no" Our house is being torn up because of you.
I heard some action in the background and a change of voice came up. This is David's sister, sorry about that we're over here at Wills house. "OK" I'll have David talk to you tomarrow about this, we have to take care of this, bye. "bye"
My mom asked what was that all about. I just replied that Dave and I used a ouija board without their permission. My mom quickly stated that she didn't want me hanging around anyone like that. I asked why and she indicated that he promoted me to use an instrament of black magic and that our family doesn't believe in that. Simply because it is a weapon against god. (that's where I figure that ouija is blackmagic) I asked my mom what black majic is and she said its anything used for witchcraft or devilworshiping. I had to go to confession that weekend.
All night I had trouble just getting to sleep. There were times that I was about to and then I would get scared and search the bedroom and find nothing. Finally about 2:30 I just layed there silently. I woke up and got ready for school, feelin dazed by yesterdays events. I got to school and quickly met up with dave at the very beginning.
-Alot happened last night
-Shortly after you left my family came home and all the trouble started. I knew that they were home from the lights and decided it was safe to return.
"What happened that made them need to call me"?
-Well I was in my living room practicing my movements for the next belt when one of my trophies just flew at me. I ducked and it struck the wall behind me. I ran into my bedroom and the door shut and locked me in. I had to kick the door down since I was unable to successfully unlock it. I just immediately returned to wills house. My family while I was still at wills house had some experiences. My dad was downstairs drinking a beer, watching tv, when out of the corner of his eye he saw three things moving towards him. He jurked to see what it was and it was three people marching militarily between him and the tv. He threw his beer at them and proceeded to run. As he ran he noticed a fine blue/white line start to dissolve them from head to toe into the ground. He said stopped and they disappeared completely, but that didn't take them long to get out of the house.
"You for real, man"
-Yah as soon as they got their cloths and a few things they just came over to the andresse's and slept over there. We returned to find some windows punched out, all my trophies were destroyed, our house is a mess.
"I can't believe that"
-They said that they are going to get it blessed tomarrow (friday) by a priest.
"can I see it after school"
-Yes from a distance.
-because this is what my parents and I percieved happened based off of what I told them. When we used the unblessed ouija board it had the potential to contact evil spirits as well as good ones. When you contact them, you literally pull them through a portal onto you current dimension that allows them to be consistent with you. I believe that they followed us back to my house. Hence the 3 bangs on the door and the 3 spirits my dad saw.
(at this point I told him about my experience and that nothing happened from that)
-There must had been a good spirit that followed you home, if one or more of the evil ones would have we would both have a problem. If you go to my house there is still the potential that they can be consistent with you since it was you and I who pulled them from the underworld.
"I must have had an angle"
We both went in to tell the teacher, but she only dismissed denying such things ever happened.
Dave and I graduated about a month and a half later and never spoke to each other again. We never brought up the supernatural experience again. Though I must point out I walked past his house from the street I could see some mess and windows crashed out- that was enough to convince me. Dave had his home blessed, but had sinced moved since graduating from the next level of school. I remained living in the neighborhood for sometime, never again engaging myself unto black magic.
Yet still that experience even today I would like to dismiss as an actual experience, but moreover it only provided me with a much more overall conscience of the afterlife. Trust me the nightmares still come from this experience.
danny"this is a true story, just ask my mom"wyatt

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