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Re: Prayer Request (Update #8)
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2001, at 23:30:47
In Reply To: Prayer Request (Update #8) posted by Sam on Tuesday, August 21, 2001, at 16:04:40:

> (It is fascinating to hear her talk about how she can move it. See, the problem is that the channels through which the brain communicated with her right side have been damaged, and so the brain has to establish new channels to recover control of her right side. At any rate, this is evidence in her description about how she can move around. It seems to her brain as if she has three legs -- the original two and an "extra" limb. She can move the right leg a very small amount if she moves the "regular" right leg, but if she moves that "extra" limb, her right leg moves a lot more. It's the same leg, but the brain communicates with it in two different ways as if it were two different parts of the body. The physical therapy, apparently, is what has taught her how to move her limbs at all; without it, she said, she wouldn't know how to move her leg. It's fascinating to think about how all this works.)

To tell the truth, it's totally riveting indeed, from more than one perspective. First thing that crosses my mind, if I may ask the question, is this: If there is a sense of having 'three' legs, is your Mom experiencing her 'new' leg as a phantom limb -- or is that only when she wants to 'move' it with newfound mobility?

It's proof positive that the human adult brain is able to grow new neural connections as the task demands; we're not irretrievably doomed to losing brain cells at all times. The physiotherapy sounds extraordinary. What I really want to ask is this: What kind of remarkable verbal instructions can possibly communicate the concept of ACTIVELY USING A 'THIRD' LOWER LIMB to someone who was born with only two and spent an entire lifetime using only two? Think about it. It sounds practically like magic. I would love to understand the thought processes conveyed behind your Mother's physiotherapy techniques (pretty please?) -- it almost seems that what you're describing is equivalent to her having grown miraculous wings and flying! Really!

Needless to say, if THAT kind of recovery is possible, then it still may be a cliché but at least it's a true one -- given an open attitude, with enough room to practice and exercise it, and with sufficiently strong desire and motivation -- almost any kind of improvement becomes possible within the realm that physicians refer to as "the sphere of the bio-socio-psycho." The latter is also correlated to the connection between mind-body-spirit.

> Considering her outlook a few weeks ago, I think it's safe to call her recovery thus far "miraculous." It is important for me to remain grounded in reality and continue to pray for her continued unhampered recovery. However, it is pretty obvious to me that God is at work answering a lot of prayers.

It's great news. Wonderful news. An inspiring, awesome prospect, Sam.

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