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Re: Xanth!--bah
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 8, 2001, at 17:13:49
In Reply To: Re: Xanth!--bah posted by koalamom on Tuesday, August 7, 2001, at 17:38:32:

> Plus, I had read his non-fiction book (sorry, I don't remember the title) about his correspondence and relationship with the real-life little girl his character "Jenny the Elf" is based on. Real-life Jenny is a fan who was hit by a drunk driver and suffers brain damage as a result. Now perhaps the proceeds from the book are contributed to her upkeep and care or something (noble and nice)..but somehow I walked away from that book feeling like she had been exploited somehow. It would have been better to just donate part of the proceeds of the Xanth Jenny-the-Elf book rather than to write instead what came off as a sort of self-serving ego trip. I'm sure he didn't mean it that way.

I suspect he did. The book is "Letters To Jenny." I have not read it. I have, however, read numerous author's notes of his, including some at the end of novels I have not read, which discuss Jenny's story and his involvement. I do believe that her story did genuinely touch him, and I can't complain too loudly, because the result of his involvement in her life ultimately does her a lot of good, I would think.

But every time I read Anthony's writings about Jenny, my skin crawls. I'm convinced he's taking her story -- which, again, I do believe he was genuinely touched by -- and parading his humanitarian involvement in her life for the purpose of garnering respect and praise and glory for himself. Every word in every author's note I've read in which he speaks about Jenny REEKS of self-conceit. And the book -- good heavens, the very idea of a book containing nothing more than the letters he wrote to the poor girl during her trials is shamelessly exploitative narcissism. "See what a great guy I am! I care about this girl! Love me for it!"

What sounds better to me is to do just as you say: donate the proceeds of some regular novel to her. Maybe mention it in that book's author's note, but not in every single author's note of every single book. Better yet, skip the "proceeds" deal and just give her a big wad of cash.

My condensations of Piers Anthony's work on BAM are among the few in which I was being quite serious.