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Re: Question for the US RinkyDinks
Posted By: Mike, the penny-stamp man, on host
Date: Friday, July 27, 2001, at 06:12:39
In Reply To: Re: Question for the US RinkyDinks posted by Shandar on Thursday, July 26, 2001, at 10:51:44:

>The origin of this phrase is unknown to me, but I would speculate that it had something to do with the racial bias against the Irish which was prevelant in the west/midwest in times past(I'm thinking 19th Century). But, like I said, this is pure speculation.
> Shan-racism suUXxXorS!1!!!1~~-dar

I hope we can all agree with the in-name quote thingie. Yeah.

I was in a south-Mississippi restaurant a couple years back, the kind that covers their walls with a variety of posters, ranging from historic signs and old concert announcements (i.e., Beatles, Doors, etc.) to cutsey-wutsey pictures of doggies one could find in any Walmart.

Anyway, i found one from the 1920s (which i later went back and purchased), a framed "No Irish Need Apply" signboard. I wanted it partly for the historical value, and partly because i like to surround myself with things to remind me that people are hurting in the world and i might be able to help if i pay attention.

Anyway, that's pretty much it.

Penny "Oh, and i keep the sign up in my dorm room. The Resident Assistant at my end of the hall a couple years back was a friend of mine, 300 lb. and quite an Irish redhead. He loved my sign, cracked up laughing when he saw it, even offered me money for it. Now, Why did i just put an entire paragraph in my end-name quote?" stamp
