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Re: Where do they get those names?
Posted By: Zarniwoop, on host
Date: Friday, July 27, 2001, at 00:04:16
In Reply To: Re: Where do they get those names? posted by Bourne on Thursday, July 26, 2001, at 23:40:36:

> I wonder how many millions and man hours were wasted coming up with the Ford "Focus"?

Well, it's not as bad as completely ensuring that your care will never sell in any Spanish-speaking country. Yup, it's the Vauxhall Nova. Or, literally translated from Spanish, the Vauxhall Doesn't Go.

Speaking of Ford...the reasoning behind Ford Prefect's name in The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is this, in case anyone doesn't know: Ford arrived on Earth at a time when Ford had just brought out a new model - the Ford Prefect. The Prefect was hugely popular, so Ford wasn't mad, he was just naming himself after the most proliferent life-form around, based on his minimal research.

Zarn"what a bunch of idiots"iwoop

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