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Prayer Request (Update #7)
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2001, at 17:46:08
In Reply To: Prayer Request posted by Sam on Monday, July 2, 2001, at 19:25:06:

The ventilator is out, and my mother can speak like she could before this happened, so her speech is unaffected. She's too weak to speak above a whisper, but that is to be expected. She's also in a bit of a daze due to being in the ICU and still recovering, which is also to be expected. (Few ICU patients remember their stay there, even the times they were awake and cognizant.) Otherwise her memory is fine.

She also moved her right arm a little bit, according to the nurse, and my father watched her stretch her legs, and both moved. Right side movement will be the last thing to come back and will take maybe a year before she stops improving and gets to the point where she'll be the best she'll ever be. Observing movement this early could mean her outlook is between a cane and a walker, rather than between a walker and a wheelchair.

I remain "cautiously optimistic," but I think at this point it is safe to say she's out of the woods and that she won't have deficits beyond right side motor function. We are all greatly relieved.

Thank you all SO much for your prayers and support. It means more to me than words can say. You folks are a great blessing.