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Re: That's Your Problem.
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Monday, July 9, 2001, at 04:06:04
In Reply To: "That's Your Problem." posted by Chrico Rinotir on Saturday, July 7, 2001, at 12:41:53:

> First off, Milosevic. He is, without doubt, the evilest, most sardonic, masochistic excuse for a human being in the whole of the last fifty years. I know it's a bit strong, but it's the way I feel.

I agree that he is not a nice person, but how do you decide that Milosevic is a worse person than, say, Noriega or Pinochet?

There have been a lot of not-very-nice people in charge of countries in the last few decades. Does anyone have any ideas on how to rank them?

I would probably agree that Milosevic is the worst of them, except that someone I used to work with had been tortured quite extensively by Noriega (but probably not personally) before he was exiled to Britain. I know this is just a single example, and probably Milosevic was equally (or more) keen on using torture when it served his ends, but personal experience like that tends to sway me.

I suppose I should be glad that I only know one person who's been tortured, really.

winter"Glad I don't live in Macedonia, or Chile, or the Congo, or Brunei, or..."mute