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Prayer Request (Update #5)
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Sunday, July 8, 2001, at 18:49:52
In Reply To: Prayer Request posted by Sam on Monday, July 2, 2001, at 19:25:06:

Since update #4, I've learned more details about the surgery. Removing the blood clot in the brain required going through the something cortex, which is the part of the brain that controls right side motor movement. Whatever damage sustained by the surgical procedure itself is irreversible damage. Consequently, her right side motor function is compromised by the surgery, and her ability to recover it is "substantially" reduced, possibly to zero. We won't know her capacity to recover right side motor movement for some weeks yet.

She is still in a basically comatose state. She occasionally opens her eyes on command, and she moves her left side with controlled, purposeful movements, but she does not move the right side. She's still on the ventilator and blood pressure medicine, and there is still swelling in the brain. She's far from out of the woods.

The family is hanging in there. It's a stressful situation, of course, but we've been managing all right under the circumstances.

I would expect my updates to slow down at this point. I'll certainly post if anything significant changes, but it's entirely likely that things will remain in the air, and she'll be in this state of walking a thin line, some days better, some days worse, for quite a while yet. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. The wealth of support we've received from you folks is a great comfort and source of strength. Your prayers may have kept her alive. Thank you all.