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Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Friday, July 6, 2001, at 17:15:58

...but not forever.

I will be leaving some time tonight to go out to Sylvan Lake for my roommate's bachelor party. I will probably be back Sunday morning or early Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately, I will not be able to live in this house after Monday, so I probably won't be around on Sunday or Monday, as I will be frantically trying to find a place to live. Some people would say that I'm crazy for going away this weekend when I have no home to come back to; those people would be right.

Even if I do find a place quickly, it may be some time before I get any kind of internet access set up again. I will try to get to a public terminal somewhere and keep you informed.

As much as I hate to say something that may in some way detract from the gravity of Sam's present situation, I have to say this: For those here that believe in prayer, I would appreciate your prayers for me in my search for a home and for a job.

Hope to see you all soon,

Don Monkey

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