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Re: Still stuck on Story Hunt, Story 4, Chapter 12.
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Sunday, July 1, 2001, at 19:25:28
In Reply To: Still stuck on Story Hunt, Story 4, Chapter 12. posted by Jasper on Sunday, July 1, 2001, at 18:23:10:

> However, I've searched everywhere I can think of, and I'm still really stuck on this thing. And I NEED to know if and how Jill Slayburgh defeats the evil enchanter Enther Nyss! Can I please have another tiny hint to point me in the right direction?

The second part of the first line tells you what type of feature to look for. The third line narrows it down from there. The fourth line should tell you what to look for within one of those two features.

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