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Hungary and Romania
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Sunday, July 1, 2001, at 15:56:14

Well, I leave in about 10 or 15 minutes for a 2-week missions trip to Hungary and Romania. I'm going with my handbell choir, and we're gonna be, um, playing handbells... In any case, I'll return on the 13th, and I shall miss you all until then.

For those of you who believe in the power of prayer, your prayers will be greatly appreciated, both in the big things - that we will be a witness of Christ, that we will learn from the trip - and in the little - several of us (including me) are either ill or injured, which could hurt the trip.

I love you all! I'll miss you!!

Ki"and Iss, email the address I emailed you at before if you have any updates"ki

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