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Re: Cravings. What makes them?
Posted By: Mousie, on host
Date: Thursday, June 28, 2001, at 09:26:36
In Reply To: Re: Cravings. What makes them? posted by Tess on Thursday, June 28, 2001, at 03:03:07:

> I also like vinegar, too...on brocolli (is there anyone else in the world who puts vinegar on their brocolli and spinach?), sandwiches, and I'll even drink it. It's hardly something I crave, though, just something I enjoy. Reading this thread, though, I noticed people didn't like it, and I could hardly believe it. It's something that I've been raised with, and enjoy on regular basis (though, not as much as the mayo ;) I guess I've never really thought about it, though. . .
> Tess, the mayo and vinegar wonder

I can't eat spinach without vinegar. I've never tried it on broccoli, but the concept seems the same. I do have to have it in bean soup, usually...

Mou"balsamic won't do"sie

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