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What amazed me yesterday : this is international news ?
Posted By: Stephan, on host
Date: Thursday, June 28, 2001, at 03:58:47

Hail Thee,

The company I work for has business associates in America, Oregon to be exact. Once every week we have a phone conference. This weeks phone conference was yesterday and at the end they surprised us with a casual remark: "Aachen made it into the news over here" they told us. We were stumped, as we did not remember anything of global importance happening here in Aachen in recent days. Hmmmm, what could be so immensely important that it got reported on the news in Oregon ?

The answer was amazing. I'll try paraphrase the report they had heard: "In Aachen, Germany, a married man went into a whorehouse to look for distraction and pleasure. Suddenly one of the "ladies" working there caught his attention. It turned out to be his wife, whom he believed to be at home. Apparently neither knew about the others activities. A vicious fight started between the two and the police had to be called in to stop them fighting."

Something like THAT makes it into the American news ??? I remember having read it in the local part of our Aachen newspaper, just a small funny anecdote. The report about a minor earthquake in the Aachen vicinity, of level 4 on the Richter scale, was at least 10 times in size, despite only rattling some windows and grandmothers.

Truely amazing. One wonders how a report like that managed to get into the American news system in the first place :-)


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