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Re: Fries/chips and toppings
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2001, at 19:41:36
In Reply To: Re: Fries/chips and toppings posted by Sam on Wednesday, June 27, 2001, at 18:55:03:

> > We do also get blamed for "Schnitzel", which is unfair, since it is an Austrian export.
> There is no blame concerning Schnitzel. I *love* Schnitzel, and it annoys me that I haven't been able to eat it for, gosh, coming up on 13 years now. Whenever I get back to Germany, guess what I'll be eating the whole time?
> S "lived in Germany for six years in the eighties" am

Yes, Schnitzel rules! I must try and find some on my next trip to Europe. And some spatzel... ooooh yes... and strudel. And lots of Dutch food... pannekoeken... poffertjes... hazelnoot taart... those cream puff pile cakes...

Funny. I used to live in Europe and crave American foods (like, of all things, Twinkies). Now the opposite is true.

Sosi"I hate Twinkies!"qui

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