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Re: Stephen vs Stephan
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2001, at 14:03:39
In Reply To: Stephen vs Stephan posted by Grishny on Wednesday, June 27, 2001, at 10:56:30:

> Stephen's last post to the forum was dated
> June 21, 2001. He has not posted since then.
> The last thing Stephen said in his last post
> was something about asking gremlinn to tell
> us what his real name was. Okay, that's
> nothing shocking, but then I started to put
> things together...
> Stephan's first post to the forum was dated
> June 26, 2001.
> Stephan's first post appeared to be an attempt
> to resurrect the long-dead Cheeseburger
> Controversy. Controversies always cause
> division and often create confusion and
> occasional hysteria. The "real Stephen"
> attempting to cause division among the
> masses? Mass confusion and hysteria is
> often beneficial to a dictatorship.
> Stephan claims to be German. Anyone recall
> Stephen's previous impersonations of
> foreigners? "I Am Coming From Iceland" ring
> any bells? Another attempt to create
> confusion, although it only affected one
> newbie chatter.
> Stephan claims to be German, and yet he has
> already been contradicted by another German
> (Fuzzpilz) about a supposed German "fact"
> (the thing about fat fries/chips/pommes frites
> being called "Belgium" in Germany). Things
> like this make one think.
> I'm not making any accusations here. I'll let
> you judge the facts and draw your own
> conclusions.
> Gri"fun conspiracy theory"shny

Heh, I thought the same thing when I saw Stephan's posts start to appear. The master's capricious ways are wont to make life difficult for us middle-managers in charge of his lackeys, toadies, and lickspittles, but we wouldn't want our Supreme Dictator-for-Life any other way.

Iss "hopes a wrong guess won't result in the untimely curtailment of this particular middle-manager's career" achar

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