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Re: Wow, I never noticed how long summer really is...
Posted By: Ticia, on host
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001, at 15:27:46
In Reply To: Wow, I never noticed how long summer really is... posted by Melanie on Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 16:32:50:

> Good Authors:
> Stephen King, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, Robert Asprin, Anne Rice, Laurell K. Hamilton, Piers Anthony, Terry Goodkind, Terry Brooks, Steven Brust, David Drake, Anne Bishop, J.R.R Tolkien(Duh, because if you hadn't noticed my taste runs to fantasy), Death Cycle books by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, Roger Zelazny, Patricia Mckillip, J.K Rowling, Phillip Pullman and others I can't think of.

I like a lot of the authors on your good authors list, so I'm going to go ahead and suggest some of my favorite books:

1-The Count of Monte Cristo. It's got a lot of French history in it that can be hard to follow unless you were paying attention in History Class, but don't let that put you off, it is an *excellent* read, and my favorite book. You might want to think about taking notes, though, as sometimes it can be hard to remember which character did what. Just a short description of each one would do, actually.

2-The Scarlet Pimpernel. A pimpernel is a *flower* you sickos. Again, a lot of French/English history(not as much as in Monte Cristo, though.) but a very very good book.

3-The Pern series by Anne McCaffery has been mentioned before in this thread, but I love it.

4-The Alliance by Gerald Lund. A very good book about what could happen after the 'end of the world' (WWIII)

5-Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card. I liked Ender's Shadow better, but they are both very good books.

> Bad authors:
> Robert Jordan, Raymond E. Feist, Dragonlance books by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, anything with King Arthur in it, Frank Herbert, and a few others.

You are so odd...that's all I have to say. The Dragonlance books by Weis and Hickman are wonderful. Better than the Death Gate Cycle, in my opinion (of course) which I thought really didn't have a proper ending. (In fact, my husband read the DGC series recently and, when he got to the end, said "What!!! It ends like that????" and other similar things.) Oh, and Tasslehoff just rules as a character. I have a picture of him (drawn by my sister's mother in law) on my wall. No other character in any book has been able to make me laugh and cry at the same time.

Of course, this is all just my opinion.


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