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Posted By: Jezzika, on host
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001, at 08:18:15

I haven't slept since Friday night.

I don't know why. Each night I stare at my bedroom ceiling for hours. I read, I play solitaire, I do everything I can think of.

But, here I am more than forty-eight hours later with no respite. My body is so exhausted that I can't get anything worthwhile done.

I've had insomnia for ten years. Not sleeplessness--- this is chronic, and I often spend an entire night awake. However, I've never had it last more than 24 hours. Should I be worried? Has this happened to anyone else? I avoid sleeping pills, because I don't want to form a dependence.

--Jez"in mental limbo"zika

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