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Re: Wow, I never noticed how long summer really is...
Posted By: Zarniwoop, on host
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001, at 03:35:40
In Reply To: Wow, I never noticed how long summer really is... posted by Melanie on Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 16:32:50:

Good books. Hmmm...

'Have a Nice Day: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks'
and 'Foley Is Good! And The Real World is Faker than Wrestling' by Mick Foley are both very good reads. Plus, Have a Nice Day is about 700 pages in length and the two together will last you about two weeks, pacing yourself. And it's not just another story, either. It's laugh-out-loud funny and tear-to-the-eye sad in places too.

'The Lost Continent', 'Notes from a Small Island', 'Made in America', Mother Tongue', 'Neither Here Nor There' and 'A Walk In The Woods' by Bill Bryson. MT aand MiA are about the English language, the others are travel books and all are very, very, very funny indeed. Bryson also released a new book at Christmas about a trip to Australia..."Everyone lives around the edge in Oz. Mainly because the inside's so boring".

'Catch-22' and 'Closing Time' by Joseph Heller. Now who wouldn't be tempted by a book with a character called 'Major Major Major Major'?

Just a few suggestions. Alternatively, you could go out into the wide world and DO something...on second thoughts, maybe not.

Zarn"CM and cricket scoring is all I need"iwoop