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Re: Have you hugged your anti-perspirant today?
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 20:49:23
In Reply To: Re: Have you hugged your anti-perspirant today? posted by Gahalia on Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 20:32:22:

> > Have you seen the commercials for this stuff? My roommates and I have been half-laughing, half-groaning at them for a couple of weeks now...
> Nope.
> Rule Six!
> Ga"Tell me, tell me! :-)"halia

Um, they're hard to describe... I'll do the one I have seen more.

Basically, the commercial has a bunch of teenage girls, and it flashes quickly through shots of about five of them, each of whom says one word: either "Genuine", or whatever the heck those other two scents are. Then they do a bit of a blurb about the new scents and how they can display your personal mood or something, and then they do some more flashes with girls saying the words again and then a couple of the girls do the "strong enough for a man but made for a woman thing."

What we laugh about is mainly the idea that your anti-perspirant can be used as a sign of your mood. I mean, I know that I'm /always/ going up to women, sticking my head in their pits, taking a deep whiff, and then saying, "I see you're feeling Genuine today!"

Well, anyway, the commercials are dumb.

Don Monkey

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