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How Do You Like YOUR Archives?
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 20:22:40
In Reply To: Me? Waste Time? posted by teach on Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 19:54:00:

> About the archives: when I first logged in, I
> actually *printed* the archives - yes, all of
> them. I used them for bedtime reading for a
> few nights, and laughed my head off the whole
> time. (It filled two big binders). I still go
> back once in a while to my favourites.

I didn't read all the archives before my first chat visit. I had read some of the best ones, though. And I eventually caught up. It was easier for me, since there were only two months' worth of archives accumulated when I first started Rinkchatting. Once I had them all read, it was all read-as-you-go.

At my last job, I had downloaded all the archive pages onto my computer, for quick reference and to re-read them in anticipation of the Rink Awards. Then I got laid off.

Months of downloads, gone! Just like that! Gah.

Gri"I'll never do that again"shny