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Re: The Choose your own adventure site shown to me by Fuzzpilz
Posted By: Sakura, on host
Date: Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 17:19:52
In Reply To: Re: The Choose your own adventure site shown to me by Fuzzpilz posted by Travholt on Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 11:19:47:

> > Come check it out, and add some stuff of your own. Nobody's done much there for a long time. It could become a Rinkworks-dominated site if even as many as a dozen of you tried it out.
> >
> > 10"C'mon! Be a sport!"Kan
> Okay, I did as you suggested. I think it could be possible to turn the site around, if a bunch of reasonably like-minded people were to contribute there... The idea of it all is, after all, fascinating, provided every participant takes it seriously and treats the stories with respect.
> What I've mostly seen on other such projects, is, like Arthur mentioned, that people tend to rewrite the story to suit their *own* ideas, instead of taking on the challenge of continuing the story on its own premises. Personally, I think half the fun of writing such stories is to take into account and build on what people before you have written. The other half of the fun is to lay the premises for the imagination of the next writer. Write stuff in there that makes room for plenty of possible outcomes. I guess bad follow-ups can't solely be blamed on the follow-up writer, but also on the poor premises laid by the previous writer.
> For aspiring writers, I guess this kind of thing would be very good practice.
> Trav"come on, people, take on the challenge, join in the fun!"holt.

Ehh, hey, I gave it a shot, even though I only wrote one thing (under the Warlord story)... Maybe I'll do more when I'm in the mood.

Saku[posted under the name Tenei Kithain, by the way]ra

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