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Re: The Tardy Bus Problem
Posted By: Arthur, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2001, at 16:34:49
In Reply To: The Tardy Bus Problem posted by gabby on Thursday, June 14, 2001, at 22:41:45:

I was tardy entering this thread, mainly because I knew most other people can make a right honorable fool of me at complex logic puzzles. But I just *had* to comment on this bit...

> (2) Bill shouldn't go home, if (a) Bill misses his appointment and (b) Bill feels downcast.

Why not? It seems to me that if you miss an appointment and you feel bad about it then there's nothing else to do *but* go home.

What *else* is he supposed to do? Barge into someone else's interview? Go out on the town drinking? Weep about it for hours to random passersby? Set a bomb on a bus in an act of vengeance, and program it to go off if the bus goes less than fifty miles per hour, just to be cruel? Is *this* the sort of psychologically unhealthy response to unfortunate events these so-called logic puzzles are meant to provoke? :)

Ar"when you can't solve a problem, question the premises"thur