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Re: Name spellings
Posted By: Arthur, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2001, at 15:54:15
In Reply To: Re: Name spellings posted by Fuzzpilz on Wednesday, June 20, 2001, at 14:45:46:

> Well, all that makes my own name spelling problems smaller than I thought.
> It's Jakob, but I often get written down as Jacob, which is at least logical, as opposed to Jakop, which once actually happened. People tend to have more problems with my last name: Katz. In German, "Katze" means cat, so that's a good way of explaining the spelling; yet, here follows a short list of wrong spellings we got:
> Kaatz
> Kotz ("puke" minus an e)
> Herz ("heart")
> Tatz ("paw" minus an e)
> Fuzz"Jakob W. Katz"pilz

Oh, you should try being Chinese and having your last name spelled "Chew" rather than "Chu".

First of all, leaving aside the emotional issues of being named after mastication, *how* many people are there in the world whose last names actually are the English word "Chew"? (My last name can be transcribed from Chinese as "Zhu" or "Chu", depending on whether you use a newer or older system; it has *never* been transcribed "Chew". It's not even *pronounced* that way; you're supposed to say it "Choo" in English, not "Chyoo". And no one start the train jokes.) There's Tim Chew, the Internet Oracle Priest; last I heard he was starting an organization to look for other people in the world with a last name spelled like his. Maybe some of his friends are trying to drum up membership. :)

Ar"It's better than 'Swallow'"thur