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Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2001, at 14:42:16

I'm currently listening to an 80's themed web-based radio station. They're playing tons of songs I used to listen to back in college. Siousie and the Banshees. New Order's "Touched by the Hand of God". Man, I wish my college days never ended. I miss riding my bike down that winding road just east of campus on a hot, humid day. Eating ramen for lunch. Or the starving student special -- cheddar cheese and some salsa wrapped up in a flour tortilla, nuked for about twenty seconds. That car that would never start. Lounging on Mike's third-generation sofa -- it had stacks of newspapers where the springs were supposed to be supporting the cushions. I had that old wicker sofa I used to watch my old thirteen-inch television. Staying up until dawn, working on school projects. Wait a minute! What am I saying? All that sucked! Stupid radio.

-Faux "Cool. 'All Night Long' is playing now." Pas

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