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Re: RPG versions
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2001, at 20:01:23
In Reply To: Re: RPG versions posted by Issachar on Tuesday, June 19, 2001, at 13:20:19:

> Agreed, regarding the reasons why a CRPG is not a true RPG. (And the blue box set! Oh, the memories!)

Ah, yes. That's the one that came with a page of chits you drew out of a cup for random numbers, just in case you couldn't find a store that sold twenty-, twelve-, ten-, eight-, and four-sided dice.

> I too am eagerly looking forward to Neverwinter Nights, not least because I've been working with a group to design a persistent world for NWN. If I can beat the "high-magic-world" faction into submission, it'll be the BETS GAEM EVAR. :-) (If you'd care to, FP, ping me sometime and I'll spill a little more about the project.)
> Iss "still love that far-out Erol Otus cover art" achar

I would love to, but I'm married and have no free time, so I'm about two years behind on computer games.

-Faux "Just picked up Thief: Gold! Woo-hoo!" Pas

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