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Re: Mostly Random Witterings
Posted By: Andrea, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2001, at 03:39:23
In Reply To: Mostly Random Witterings posted by Dave on Friday, June 15, 2001, at 12:02:06:

> The other day I was thinking to myself, "You know, the world would be a much nicer place if there were less people in it."

In my opinion, you're half right and half wrong.
Ok to reduce the global population, but you didn't get the point.

Let's examine the problems you pointed out:
1) Creationism vs. Evolutionism;
2) Death Penalty;
3) RinkForum/RinkChat quality;
4) anti-USA postings;
All these problems are USA-related; they don't exist in Italy:
1) In Italy, the only people that trusts Creationism are usually under therapy.
2) In Italy, the only penalty that's worth considering has to do with soccer matches.
3) In Italy, chatrooms offer a lot of good-quality flame wars.
4) We aren't affected by this.

Let me add some more problems:
5) USA have a population of about 250,000,000 (or more);
6) USA have Hollywood; it produces a lot of bad movies and bad acting;
7) USA have McDonald's;
In Italy:
5) our population is not more than 60,000,000; we pollute less and create less traffic jams (except in Rome).
6) The Studios in Rome, too.
7) We, too.

Finally, let me add some historical notes:
8) USA helped us to get rid of Mussolini and the Monarchy; also helped the first christian-democratic government of our Republic;
9) USA have Bush as a president;
In my opinion:
8) Ok for Mussolini and the Monarchy, but the last issue cannot be forgiven...
9) We've Berlusconi as the new premier, in Rome;

All in all, the real point is that to reduce global population, the USA, Rome and all McDonald's in Italy will be bombed by asteroids. In fact, movies like "Deep Impact" and "Armageddon" were secretely made by Italian intelligence only to test the possibile solutions and, at the same time, raise enough funding to get all the necessary space facilities to pull on the Earth a bunch of asteroids. The recent Shuttle mission to which participated an Italian astronaut is obviously part of this plan.
The Alien Invasion Plan, as tested by "Independence Day", was turned down because of fuel costs caused by the weakness of the Euro currency (it was tested also an electrical spaceship, but -of course- it would have been incompatible with USA 125V outlets).

The smoking leftovers of this operation will be converted to a big parking lot to solve parking problems in the most important EU cities.

> Of the remaining 11, 3 will be "cleverly" disguised anti-United States posts by some random Euro-Rinky.



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