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Re: Meatball
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Sunday, June 17, 2001, at 08:15:22
In Reply To: Meatball posted by Brunnen-G on Saturday, June 16, 2001, at 23:41:29:

> It was what's called a meatball of fish, a huge round ball of them. The size and shape of the meatball is really obvious from the air. There were hundreds upon hundreds of gulls and gannets diving on them frantically and the water was *boiling* with activity over maybe a hundred square feet.

Wow. I don't think I've ever heard of that phenomenon before. Is it just a HUGE number of fish that for some reason decided to get together and be really easy targets for every hungry fish-eater within a 100 mile radius? (Real smart, fishies.) I've seen semi-big schools of fish before but never anything remotely like that. *muses on why fish would do that* Now I'm all curious... :)

> I was hoping there might be some orca or whales turning up too, but we only saw dolphins. They were common dolphins, which are quite small, with grey and black bodies. Seeing them from above, the way they curve through the water and the incredible speed they travel at, was a wonderful experience.

I love dolphins. :) I've never seen wild dolphins, but I *have* seen wild orcas and humpback whales. Not that humpbacks would be coming for fish anyway (and I have no clue whether humpbacks go anywhere near that part of the world). I've gone swimming with dolphins once though, and that ruled immensely. It seems like they go even more fast when you're between two dolphins, gently cupping their dorsal fins (one in each hand) as they speed around. And I loved to see how they moved around, up close and personal. So graceful and perfectly at home in their environment.

Sosi"and they're great fun to free-play with, too"qui

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