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Re: Name associations
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Saturday, June 16, 2001, at 08:30:26
In Reply To: Re: Name associations posted by Sam on Saturday, June 16, 2001, at 06:32:59:

> So I can just imagine trying to read score card that reports the results for a game where "D + D" play against "D + D." I suppose that's when you break down and commit to writing out full names.

Or, where such an ambiguity exists in writing, possibly writing just enough to eliminate confusion would help.

De + Dav | Do + Dar

You know who's who if Debbie, David, Donna, and Darleen are playing. I suppose "Darleen" could be shortened further to "L", though... :-)

Nyper"P | Ju | Jo"old