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Re: Fire Prevention.
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Thursday, June 14, 2001, at 02:27:46
In Reply To: Re: Fire Prevention. posted by Zarniwoop on Thursday, June 14, 2001, at 02:18:07:

> 1). I don't have an axe. Or anything else choppy.

You'd only need a penknife or bread knife of some such. Lets assume that most houses have a knife of some description that could be used

> 2). This is, of course, assuming that the fire is not electrical, or anything else that water doesn't put out.

Ohhh... electrical fires. That could be fun.

And what happens if the walls leak? You get flooding everywhere, your electrical devices short out and you get electrocuted.

A better solution might be to move to the English countryside and wait for the flooding. That'll put out any fire right quick.

winter"what happens when your pet cat sharpens his claws on the walls?"mute

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