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A home for movies
Posted By: Ferrick, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 20:53:48

Last Friday, I had the chance to meet some friends for lunch at their place of employment. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal but this happened to be at Skywalker Ranch, the home of Lucasfilm. The ranch is hidden in a small valley, north of San Francisco in Marin County. You have to drive about 10 miles out on a winding, two lane road before you get to the unmarked gate. Inside is a self sufficient place of business that is low profile and beautiful. I drove past Lake Ewok over to the building my friends worked in. After a tour of the the buildings (which you'd never guess were business offices), we came upon a case filled with props from many movies that Lucas has been involved with. It is always interesting to see some props up close because they look so fake. Darth Maul's light saber looked weak but Willow's wand actually looked like a stick (the wonders of special effects!).

Lucas got it right when it comes to a place to work. The ranch is serene with golden hills and vineyards rolling over them. Bikes are used to get around and people are relaxed, but serious about their work. There are three commisaries available since the closest food is a ways away. I could imagine myself working there, that's for sure. If you want a place that breaks the mold or sets the standard for Hollywood, that is the place.

Fer"There was a Tucker somewhere around there, too"rick