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Re: Death penalty vs Abortion
Posted By: julian, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 06:08:30
In Reply To: Re: Death penalty vs Abortion posted by Sosiqui on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 10:19:50:

> Ah, but there's the rub - with abortion, by definition the live of another is not only endangered by destroyed. At least that's my viewpoint on it, that life begins at conception.
> There's this little thing I have that's a plastic model of a fetus at (I believe) 10 weeks. The little thing is life size, and it barely fits in the palm of my hand, but it's clearly a little human... it has visible arms, little hands... as far as I'm concerned, that fetus is a *person* just as much as I am.
> Sosi"just my 2 cents"qui

I'll admit to strugling with myself on this subject. On the one hand, I do belive that the child is alive before it is actually born, which logically makes abortion murder. On the other hand, the mother doesn't have total control over whether she becomes pregnant or not. This has all sorts off consequences which boil down to the ideological question of whether a person should have the right to choose, especially when it comes to choices which impact one's life like parenthood. I cannot decide which is the most important, because I feel both sides in my gut.

How's this for a resolution of the dilemma: Abortion is killing (taking of life), but not murder, because the unborn (for want of better time limit) has no conscience. Hmmm... No, it won't work, because we need to determine when the conscience is born, and we all know that we don't know this.

Actually, I think that in Denmark, there is a time limit as to how old the fetus can be for an abortion to be legal. I think that it originally was defined as the earliest time wherefrom the child could possibly be kept alive if the mother died. I think I'll actually stick with that.


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