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Re: Dart Death
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 11:23:29
In Reply To: Re: Dart Death posted by Don the Monkeyman on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 11:15:02:

> My story with darts: Well, let's just say that I have seen darts get embedded in feet and shins before. And not by accident.

That's why I don't usually stand near a dart game. I am terrifically paranoid about that happening to *me*. Probably because I had a dream about it once. However, I did port the idea of darts as small, hand-thrown things for weapon purposes into one of my worlds. :)

> Don "We used to play interesting games with darts. Oh, and did I mention that I once won an engineering event revolving around darts? I still wear the t-shirt regularly, and I could probably find the ball cap if I look..." Monkey

You find ANYTHING in that room of yours? Don't make me LOL again. *ducks* ;)

Sosi"tempting monkey-fate"qui