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Re: Another romance question
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Monday, June 11, 2001, at 22:23:26
In Reply To: Another Romance question posted by Shandar on Monday, June 11, 2001, at 19:53:51:

> So, my problem is this: I want to go out with someone, but don't have the money to pay to go anywhere. My question to you all is this: How would you deal with this situation, or how would you react to being asked out by someone who obviously doesn't have any money?

How I'd deal with this situation: as others have already said, I'd invite them someplace you can go for free. A free outdoor concert, or the beach, or go for a walk someplace nice. Or, heck, just sitting around watching a video at your place. There isn't any law saying all dates must take place in expensive restaurants, as far as I know.

How I'd react to being asked out by someone with no money: it depends on the person and the situation. You say you're out of work by choice. If it's a potential long-term relationship, obviously you'll have to take into account your girlfriend's views about your reasons for that choice. If it's not, or (more likely) if you don't know yet, I don't see why anybody in their right mind should have a problem with how much money their date earns (unless one of you is broke and the other is pulling down a six-figure income, in which case things start to seem highly suspicious).

My real answer to your question, though, is: unless you're planning on asking the collective members of the Rinkforum out on a date, none of these answers are necessarily going to be helpful. Ask the girls you want to date and see what *they* think. That's the only answer which counts in this case, I'm afraid.

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