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Re: Forum poll: is romance better than honesty?
Posted By: Liz, on host
Date: Monday, June 11, 2001, at 11:19:28
In Reply To: Re: Forum poll: is romance better than honesty? posted by julian on Monday, June 11, 2001, at 07:34:37:

> As many of you, I have difficulties settling for one point exclusively. Let me say it like this: Nothing which has been said in this thread until now strikes me as wrong.
> jul"in love with a *real* coochie-coo!"ian

Ohhh, good thread....interesting topic and one that I have thought about for a while. Like you Julian, nothing that has been said strikes me as wrong either and like some other people posting on this thread, I feel that my arguments have already been argued (do you ever get the feeling that if you ever met any of the people who you post to, it would be a scary meeting of like-minds?).

My main argument is to do with modern culture (yes, and 18 year old pining for the 'good old days'). If you turn on the TV or radio or go to the cinema or read a book or even talk to people, the chances are that you will hear "I love you" gratuitously overused. This does not mean to say that I think that telling someone that you love them is a cheesy, cheesy thing; not at all. My complaint is that when or if the moment arrives and you actually want to use the said phrase, it will be immediately discounted as a Sweet Valley Highism. Do you get what I mean?

Oh and Julian, while I'm at it, I was going to reply to your post about the hypotheticality of my boyfriend but if you don't mind, I'll do it here.....firstly, thankyou for your concern. It's nice to know that people are nice enough to read stuff into what I write and not just skim through it. But reading back through my post, I just come across as kinda bitter so in that respect, I'm sorry. I'm not a bitter person. Really I'm not. I guess the irony switch is on in my keyboard at the moment....must fix that....maybe due to the fact that I have horrid, horrid exams at the moment and today, I had to assess the lifetime achievements of Innocent III, arguably the Greatest ever Medieval Pope. yea, fun.

So, in conclusion, while I like to think that I am an adult now.....believing that romanticism has been hideously overused in modern culture, I am really a romantic at heart who is a definate believer in "the moment" who is scared that when I do use it, I won't be taken seriously.

Liz" for some ice cream and some light teenage romantic fiction..."zie

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