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Re: Forum poll: is romance better than honesty?
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Sunday, June 10, 2001, at 16:17:40
In Reply To: Forum poll: is romance better than honesty? posted by Brunnen-G on Sunday, June 10, 2001, at 15:12:18:

Number two, no question, and I would extend that to regular friendships as well. I *don't* believe you should compromise honesty, but if you like someone at all, you shouldn't have to.

"I love you" means "I care about you more than I care about myself," and that would normally the case whether you're a state of *feeling* all gooshy and goobly-eyed at that particular moment or not. It's not dishonest to say, "I love you," even if you're in the middle of a heated argument.

"You look beautiful" -- well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Leen looks beautiful to me even when she's just woken up in the morning and is all bleary-eyed and scraggly. It's not dishonest for me to say that, even if nobody else would agree.

As for flowers, chocolates, and back massages -- it's not possible for those to be dishonest. They simply are.

On the other hand, I do see the other side of the coin. Sometimes I regret when the simple and frequent gestures don't hit home as strongly as they should because they are used every day. But on special occasions, there's nothing saying one can't go a step or two further than the usual.

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